Grout Repair And Regrouting Service
We are professional tilers servicing Auckland area since 1989
Tile and Grout Repair Services Auckland

Grout Cleaning / Tile Cleaning
Pressure washing and simultaneous vacuuming of the washing liquid. This is the only acceptable method of surface preparation if any sealer or grout colourant is to be applied next. Any other “cleaning” method might produce a clean surface, but the grout would be completely saturated with washing liquid and dissolved dirt.

Grout Sealing / Tile Sealing
Application of all types of tile and grout sealers and colourants. We stick with proven brands and products. We do not get excited about new labels, nor do we trust them. Since I’m tiling for over quarter of a century, I had enough time handpick tile maintenance products (and their manufacturers).

Tile Repairs / Grout Repairs Tiling
Yes it’s been a while… My first steps – 1986 in Stuttgart, Germany. I know all there is to know about tile installation, tile maintenance and tile repairs. However, nowadays I stick to tile repairs and maintenance. I still can be persuaded to lie a few tiles if it’s a part of bigger grout restoration project.

EXPERT Opinion !
Anyone can paint grout or plug a hole. ONLY a TILER understands why there was a hole to plug in the first place and what needs to be done to avoid problems in the future. Remember two things. Tiling is a profession. “Grout painting and plugging” is NOT. Occasionally I’ve saved people’s money just by a phone conversation. Most of the time I don’t even need to look at your job to know what’s wrong with it.
Grout RESTORATION after “restoration”
Is your colourant coat flaking off after less than 2 years? You have been conned! The proper colourant, applied properly, to properly cleaned grout should stay in tact for up to 15 YEARS! Let’s do it properly this time, shall we?

Epoxy Injection
We can re-attach loose tiles without uplifting them. We inject liquid epoxy adhesive via drill holes in the grout. This is the ONLY safe method to repair loose tiles, if they are installed on a waterproofing membrane (showers, decks) or on top of underfloor heating.

Shower Leak Repair
We apply two coats of translucent liquid waterproofing membrane to tiles and grout. We re-grout with epoxy any areas where the existing grout is cracking and falling out (usually shower bases).

Anti-slip Treatment
Anti slip treatment increases slip resistance factor by 30-35%. It does not change the look of tiles, but changes the micro-structure of the surface PERMANENTLY. No re-coating necessary
Please watch this clip. A sealer coat can form a permanent bond ONLY after proper grout cleaning (indoor water-blasting with no splash).
Any dirt or chemical residue left over after a surface preparation will impair the bond of the sealer coat. Gravity cannot be turned off, so the washing liquid with dissolved dirt penetrates deeper layers of grout the moment we begin to wash. Vacuuming waste water on the go is the only way to prevent it. After “cleaning” porous materials with brushes or mops, all you get is a clean(er) surface. Each time you “wash” your tiles, the grout body accumulates dirt and chemicals. A proper surface preparation is the cornerstone of sealer coat adhesion. Keep any “grout professionals” armed with scrubbing brushes away from your grout if you intend to seal it or paint it with grout colourant.
Hello there! The name is Jake.

In between both of these photos, there have been 27 years of tiling, but it all started much earlier, around 1986 in Stuttgart. And believe me that work experience is only a good addition to God-given skills and the knowledge received from the teacher. Since I switched to tile restoration only, in 2009, I’ve learned that lots of “professionals” have tons of experience in repeating the same mistakes. No, a TILER is not the same thing as a “tiler”. A great thing about it is that I will never run out of work and you can finally have it done the way it should be done to start with.